Privacy policy

Mykademy is concerned about your privacy. Mykademy collects stores and uses personal information in order to provide you with excellent service. Thanks to the special technological and procedural safeguards we guarantee security of any personal data entrusted to us. Our purpose is to provide you solutions that allow for the implementation of a fully secure Training services.


The objective of this Policy is to protect the privacy of individuals dealing with us and to explain how we collect, use, disclose and store Personal Information at Mykademy. This Policy also describes why we collect Personal Information and how you can access and correct Personal Information about you.

About Us

This website ( has been prepared by Nydam Ltd (hereinafter referred as Mykademy.) You can contact us using this e-mail address:

Secured Personal Information

1. At the moment of providing his or her personal data the User expresses his or her voluntary approval to place and process the personal data in the mykademy’s database.

2. Mykademy processes especially, but not exclusively, User’s name, surname, address, state, country, e-mail address, phone number..

3. Mykademy may use collected information, including technical or diagnostic information, your suggestions or feedback, to maintain, improve and enhance the Services. Mykademy is committed to protect your information and use leading technologies and encryption software to safeguard your data, and keep strict security standards to prevent any unauthorized access to it, both during transmission and processing, once we receive it.

4. Mykademy is using some third parties services for the purpose of payment processing (Stripe and PayPal). When Client decides to make some payment via mykademy some of personal information may be transferred to those third parties. We remain responsible for your information when shared with third parties, and shall instruct such third parties to abide by the GDPR rules.

5. Mykademy will not sell or share Personal Information to third parties for marketing purposes unless Users have granted us permission to do so. We will ask for consent before we use or share information for any purpose other than the reason is provided or as otherwise provided by this Privacy Statement.

6. All private information like User’s e-mail address can be accessed only by providing User’s password.

7. Providing us with your Personal Information is always your choice. However, your decision not to provide certain information may limit our ability to provide you with our complete services.

8. Children can only use mykademy services under the supervision of their parents/legal guardians. Children under the age of 5 cannot register into the Service, so we do not collect any personal information from them.

9. By using mykademy, the User consents to receiving electronic communications from mykademy. These communications will include notices about the User's account (e.g. shipping and receiving e-mails and other transactional information) and information concerning or related to our service, such as featured content or other announcements.

10. Approving of personal data processing for marketing purposes is equal to agreeing to receive from the mykademy, to the e-mail address or mobile phone number(s) provided, information about special offers, promotions and competitions, as well as about the products and services of the mykademy or entities it cooperates with.

11. Mykademy is the administrator of the personal data of the Service’s User.

12. A Client is entitled to review his or her personal data, as well as to correct or remove them. In some situations the removal of personal data may be possible together with Account Deletion.’

13. For review, change or remove personal data Client can use settings in User Profile or contact mykademy. Mykademy will monitor compliance with its privacy policies, both internally and with Third Parties, and establish the processes to address inquiries, complaints and disputes. Any privacy related queries and grievances shall be directed to email address

14. We may also store your personal data where we need to comply with a legal obligation – in particular, in the course of services we offer or receive, the retention of relevant data for security purposes.

15. Mykademy defines and documents an Incident and Breach Management policy which addresses the privacy related incidents and breaches. Mykademy performs a periodic review of all the complaints related to data privacy to ensure that all the complaints are resolved in a timely manner and resolutions are documented and communicated to the data subjects .The Client will be notified and updated about any privacy incident / breach reporting within 72 hours within the occurrence of the incident/ breach.

The data collection for statistical purposes (Cookies).

1. In some instances, mykademy may collect non-personal (aggregate or demographic) data through cookies, web logs, web beacons and other similar applications. This information is used to better understand and improve the usability, performance, and effectiveness of the website. Usage of a cookie is in no way linked to any personally identifiable information on our site. ,/

2. The collected data allow to recognise you when you reopen the Site. Mykademy keeps record of a certain information on a website/Client and/or User’s computer details in a ‘Cookie’ file. This file is periodically updated when a Client and/or User returns to the website.

3. The data are also analysed by the mykademy using the public system tools such as Google Analytics, Gemius SA, Crazy Egg etc.

4. To disable ‘Cookies’ please turn this option off in your web browser.


Service users do not receive spam, it means unwanted content, from mykademy.

Local Laws – Privacy Policy

Recognising the global nature of the Internet, you agree to comply with all local rules including, without limitation, rules about the Internet, data or privacy. Specifically, you agree to comply with all applicable laws regarding the transmission of technical data exported from the country in which you reside.

Safety Tips

1. We never ask for any personal information, we especially NEVER ask for a password to your bank account or to provide us with any passwords used to commit the transaction.,/

2. If you have doubts about the authenticity of the received email – contact us to check the authenticity of the message.

3. In the address bar of your web browser always check if the address of our website starts with “https://" instead of “http://" (s indicates that the connection is encrypted or secure).

Privacy Policy Changes

This is the latest version of Privacy Policy. All changes in the Privacy Policy are made by replacing this document, and announced on the Service. Once any updated Terms are in effect, the Client will be bound by them, if they continue as users with mykademy. Clients can verify the latest version of the Privacy Policy by visiting this page: